Thursday, September 2, 2010

making contact.

It's funny,

I don't think about it much but then again I do.

There is so much to know and to talk about and life moves so fast that you don't often say what needs to be said when it is in the moment to. It is to easy to miss important opportunities in the fear you might say the wrong thing.

I don't like to talk to people much unless I know them well. I can try to be funny, but humor is a shield. If you are misunderstood you can be excused, because it was to be funny. That is a little cowardly, it's true.

We seldom just say what crosses our mind because our filters are up, and I am not saying they should not be... but it does prevent us from making contact with others, that is also true.

Those who say what crosses their mind are either young, old, or crazy (in my case all three). Yet these people can reach out and make contact with others magnificently.

They can do this because they are given the time by the patient and wise to sort out what is being said in both directions.

Why should it be odd to misspeak or need a do over in our conversations.

It is hard to give, but it shouldn't be....
We all need it, but seldom get it, and we should.

Everyone should get three bright red "do over" cards a day. we hand them to each other at the appropriate moment in a conversation.

And if somebody ends up at the end of the week with far more than his share of cards, he will get a shock collar put on him that will hit him with 25000 volts only for five seconds or so, if he is cheating by being silent for ten consecutive minutes. We gotta keep those "listeners" from feeling superior...

And if those in Washington D.C. have silenced more than 10% of the population because they borrow to many.....then they get get a "special" shock that will cause premature release of bodily waste....
and we will give the remote control for them over to chimpanzee's trained to push three individual buttons arbitrary every ten minutes...

can i get an AMEN!


  1. AMEN brother - AMEN! thanks for the laugh ! OHH man would I have alot of red cards. I need a do over ever other time I open my mouth. I don't think the listeners are getting big heads however - all the listeners in my life are also quite humble. I'm talking about my hubby of course! Anyhow, I'll shut up now - just hand me my red card and I'll be off! Thanks- Love ya!

  2. May I have 3 of them please.

    PS I love expensive cupcakes. Really really I do

  3. Amen. If politicians are going to get them I suggest they only wear them outside.
